Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Religion and Politics

The two things I enjoy talking about are the two you're not supposed to talk about in polite society. Religion and Politics. So, as I've never been accused of being polite or social, my first post will be a concept pertaining to one of the two. Here we go.....

It has been suggested recently that I, as well as many others, voted against Pres. Barry O. because of the color of his skin.  This was due to my many and multiple anti-B.O. Face Book postings and rants. Let me first say that throwing the race card in any political discussion is comparable to the “F.U. /walk out” scenario in an argument. The “thrower” has no legitimate argument or has no substantial evidence to support his argument. So throw it out there and end the discussion. On the other hand, it is equally ridiculous for the accused to respond with, “I can’t be a racist, I have black friends”. Really?
Not wanting to upset the race baiters, but I’ve been voting the conservative ticket since before Jimmy Carter proved himself to be inept in the office. I was however, a social liberal and a fiscal conservative at the time.  The social aspect has changed partially due to a “house divided” way of thinking and partially due to giving up some of my more socially liberal activities. I voted for Ford and against Carter. I’ve voted for the conservative through the Reagan era, the first Bush, the Clinton years, and both times for the second Bush. Come to think of it, if my parents had given it more thought and my mother had given birth to me a month sooner, it is more than likely I would have voted for Nixon in “72” but they didn't so you can’t blame me for that one. So obviously I’m a racist because I voted against the first black man to be nominated for president and his political philosophies had absolutely nothing to do with it.  
  4 out of 5 psychologists stranded on a desert island agree (an unsubstantiated number and location.) that it is human nature to put on others characteristics that we aren’t too fond of in ourselves. Point being, if it is to be believed that I, as well as others, voted against B.O. only because he’s black, then it is totally possible and quite likely that an equal amount if not more, judging from the outcome of the election, voted for him just because he is black. It couldn’t possibly be that they agree with his philosophies, policies, and doctrines. Whether you call them secular progressive, socialist, communist, or whatever name you wish to apply them, doesn’t matter. It had to be the color of his skin. And considering that few, if any other than Al Gore, are better off now than 4 years ago, liberals had to vote based on the color of his skin because world history has proven that what the present administration is attempting to do, just “plain don’t work” in the long run. The term is “unsustainable”.
I guess the argument will continue to be that all conservatives/republicans are racists. They only offer a “hand up” rather than a “hand out”. After all, the “hand up” does require a certain amount of personal participation and the “hand out” only requires the ability to breathe, and it’s just too much to expect anyone to do anything more than that.
Isn’t it interesting that the “party” that supposedly supports diversity in people and philosophies, doesn’t, if it is contrary to what they believe?
Just as an afterthought, wasn’t B.O.’s mother of the Caucasian persuasion and wasn’t he “raised” by her parents who, oddly enough are, also Caucasian. Who plays the race card? I voted against his “white half” so no racist here. Yeah, that’s it.
“These are times that try men’s souls.”

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