Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Denominational Thinking

For years now I’ve wanted to know, just which church is Jesus coming back for.  Can anybody tell me? Seriously,  ‘cause then I’ll go to that church religiously, so to speak, and listen to who they tell me to listen to, read what  they tell me to read and do whatever they tell me to do, knowing that I’m in Jesus’ one and only favorite special church.
I’ve read both the old and new testaments more than a few times in the last 30 years I’ve been riding in this Christian rodeo and I’ve never been able to find just which denomination gets the Messiah’s, personal endorsement. The Old Testament has a tendency to lean towards the Jewish way of thinking but I believe they’re still waiting for the first coming instead of the Messiah’s return.  Jesus, in the Gospels, tells us the “how” to be the church but not “who” specifically is the church.  Okay he does tell us, but He doesn’t put a denominational name to it. The books following the gospels, starting with Acts and going to Revelation, describe in detail the trials, tribulations and lessons taught and learned of the first church, but still no denominational title for the church Jesus is coming back for.
  I can only surmise that, back in the day, as time went on men would translate to others what they were told or heard, adding their own spin to it, as most story tellers do. Eventually, as the stories were told and retold, they changed, intentionally or unintentionally.  Men and women, being the humans they are and the written word not available to all people, or the ability to read for that matter, people didn’t get the Word “O” God as it was originally presented.  Opinions varied on various aspects if not all of the gospel and prophetic teachings of the Old Testament. Some would believe a little or a lot, some of this but not that. “This letter makes sense but, ain’t no way can I believe that prophesy.” “He couldn’t possibly have meant what He said”, and on and on and on.  
So the people that thought they had a lock on the meaning and or definition of the Word would put their spin out as “gospel” or divine revelation and insight to the Word of God. Do not for one second think I’m judging their love of the Lord Jesus and God, I’m not. As previously stated, some for example, just couldn’t get behind the “tongues” thing, so for them it’s out of their doctrine. Others believed that God’s people shine brightest when poor, so the message of God’s prospering his kids was tossed out. Some think you can work your way to salvation and others  say it’s by grace alone. Do you want to talk about “drinking poison and handling snakes”?  Really, it’s not for me, but some interpret the first part of Mark 16:18 in such a way to prove their faith.  And so the “Denominations” were born. The majority did what they did and how they did it because of their love of the Lord. Some, I dare say for fame and fortune, men being human, but the majority, out of the love of God. They just couldn’t believe some of the things Jesus did or said, red letters or not.
So what constituted being a Christian in the “First Church”? Following the teachings of Christ. No, really, that’s it. They were Christians, nothing more. Christian, being defined as “little Christs” or “Christ like”. There were never any names or adjectives added on such as, Baptist, Evangelical, Presbyterian, Catholic, Pentecostal, Assemblies, or Word of Faith and there was nothing to be Reformed at the time so that was out.  It was just Christians following the teachings of Christ.  Charlie Daniels, (yes that Charlie Daniels), had a line in one of his songs on the album The Door, “They didn’t have no denominations, they just called themselves the body of Christ”  If Charlie Daniels can figure it out, why can’t the book smart, college educated denominational leaders?

Unfortunately the early Christians didn’t have the benefit of Jesus’ words in red. So how could they possibly know what to do? But wait, they did have the benefit of walking and talking with Jesus for three years of His ministry or at the very least hangin’ out with the guys that were hangin’ out with Christ for three years of His ministry. And some still had trouble understanding what He was saying. (parables, don’t cha know)
 Today, so many of the mainstream denominations think they have “The One True Doctrine” and if you don’t follow them, you’re going to burn. Which brings me back to my original question, which church is Jesus coming back for? A few years back, my wife and I were led to attend various churches in our area in order to see what was going on in the body and possibly find a new church home. We started with churches closest to our house and branched out further from home week by week regardless of denomination or affiliations, as long as it was Judeo/Christian. One thing that they all seemed to have in common was that they all believed in Jesus. That He is the Son of God and was/is one part of the Trinity. Oh yeah, salvation was through believing in Him and His sacrifice on the cross and accepting Him as our personal Lord and Savoir. My studies and readings all lead me to believe that the salvation thing was the whole purpose of God coming to earth in the human form of Jesus. These different doctrines, as in Wesleyan, Lutheran, Assemblies of God, etc. and various non-denominational churches all share one reoccurring theme, Jesus and salvation through Him and Him alone.
When I read the Old Testament, I see types and shadows of the story of Jesus, His sacrifice, our deliverance along with other messianic supporting themes. The prophets told of His coming down to the smallest details. One can only assume, at least I can only assume that Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross and our salvation through Him is the focus of the Bible. If we can agree on that at last statement, then why, can’t we get along as one church? Why do we focus on our denominational differences and not the one thing that ties us all together?  An analogy I’ve always felt fit the situation is, “FOOD”! Jesus is the main course of the meal, the steak & potatoes if you will, or Portobello mushroom if you’re a vegan and the things we seem to disagree on are the side dishes, gravy and desert. They don’t make a difference in our receiving our salvation but they do make this life tastier, more fulfilling and much sweeter.  Brother, I don’t give a rip if you don’t want gravy on your “taters” or pie and ice cream for desert as long as you get fed the substance of the meal. The meat of the message, Jesus.  And I’ll thank you to keep your opinion of my love of gravy to yourself.
Oddly enough some people just can’t accept the Gospel as written and have to translate it to suit themselves and  criticize everyone else’s walk with the Lord when it doesn’t line up with their interpretation of the Word.
Matt. 18:3 and Luke 18:17 tell us to have a child-like faith and receive the kingdom of heaven as a child. (my paraphrase) What exactly does that mean? 
If you are a parent, just look at your own children. If you are a loving parent, meaning not abrasive and or abusive, your children will believe what you say and do what you say because they know you love them and have their best interests at heart. Our Heavenly  Father is just that, “Nuthin’ but luv” and He has our best interests at heart. If He says it’s so, we can believe it’s so.  He’s not trying to trick His kids into doing anything. Although some, I believe due to a lack of faith, believe that God is more of a puppet master than father, just  yankin’ our strings watching us jump, rather than being loving, caring and concerned with our well being. He is a father guiding and directing us through life because He really does know best. (Thank you Robert Young) Oh, and don’t forget, there is some disciplining involved in parenting also. If you ask King David, he’d tell you to take God’s discipline rather than the worlds. It will work out better for you in the end.
If you haven’t guessed yet, I’ve for years, belonged to the non-denominational denomination. I’m one of those “suckers” that takes the Bible literally as written and look to the Holy Spirit for any necessary interpretation or definition. Why? Because We’ve prospered and have lived in health even as our souls prospered (3John 2) for 30 years. I can quote you a plethora of scriptures that apply to specific situations that we have passed through in our lives but for time and space, I’ll move on.  
Anyway, if you approach the Word, Kingdom, Son and Spirit of God as Jesus says we are supposed to, with a child-like faith and if God is to you Abba Father as well as the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful, omnipotent, creator of the universe, it’s really not that difficult to take Him at His word. If He says “you will have what you ask, if you believe you receive”,(Mark 11) why not ask, believe, and receive? He told us to!  If He says “give and it shall be given unto you…”, (Luke 6)why not give? He said you could! You were just going to spend it on pizza and beer anyway. If He says “your faith has healed you….” (all over)Why not live healed? I guess a lot depends on if you really believe the Bible is the word of God. (By the way I paraphrase a lot, I know)
Now, if the Bible is the word of God and you believe it to be, and Jesus says/said “… a house divided will not stand!” Why are there so many Christians intentionally trying to divide the House of God by picking at the peripherals instead of celebrating our main common beliefs? Mainly our belief in Jesus and salvation though Him. Especially in this age and time. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the world is pointing at the church and shaking is global head. It’s pointing and laughing because we can’t get along with ourselves. The political world is doing is best to muzzle and put a leash on God by means of legislation against the Church. (As a side note, there is nothing in the constitution about “separation of church and state”. The first amendment was put there to protect the church from the state not protect the state from the church.) What are the denominations doing? Fighting  “Doctrinal wars” among themselves, showing the world that they believe the commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt 22:39) was more a suggestion than a commandment. James 1:8 says “because of doubt and a lack of faith, we are like a double- minded man, unstable in all our ways.” Denominational thinking has the church “double-minded” and is showing itself to the world to be unstable.
God made a big move in Florida a few years ago, unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. There were thousands, if not tens of thousands in attendance from all over the world. Lovers of Jesus,  praising and worshipping, all with one focus.  We were with Australians, Norwegians, English, Irish, Spanish, South Africans, Germans and so many others. It was great! So what happened?  To put it simply, Good tidings were preached to the poor, the brokenhearted were healed, liberty was proclaimed to the captives, and those bound were loosed and healings in every meeting. I have to admit that I went in with a cynical eye because I have trust issues when it comes to these things. But I was allowed to “see” shortly after arrival. What were the denominations doing? Pointing fingers at the chubby, bald, tattooed biker preacher with an aggressive way of “laying on hands” and screaming that this “outpouring” could not be of God, just look at that so called preacher. Ain’t no way! They really kicked the divisive talk into high gear when they found out he left his wife. I’m certain they were all smiling self-righteously while yelling “adulterer and fornicator”, because Lord knows that kind of thing would never happen in their church!!(Would somebody please read the OT Bible!) The denominations were so busy looking at the man of God and how he differed from their sense of normal and how he didn’t fit in their box, they missed the huge move of God that left Florida and spread around the world. I’ve got news for the denominations. The man was human. As I read it, our God has a tendency to use flawed humans to carry out His work here on Earth. It’s not the way I’d do it but I’m not God. About a year after Florida and I was still hearing about the chubby bald tattooed preacher that left his wife but no mention to the spiritual fires started around the world from the Florida spark!  As another side note; No one ever mentioned, in all the YouTube internet clips about Todd Bentley’s aggressive style, that the people he “touched” were healed. Of course not, because then it would be harder to say he was a “bad man” now wouldn’t it?
So now please tell me, which church is Jesus coming back for? Can anybody tell me? Seriously,  ‘cause then I’ll go to that church religiously, so to speak, and listen to who they tell me to listen to, read what  they tell me to read and do whatever they tell me to do, knowing that I’m in Jesus’ one and only favorite special church. If I can’t get an answer I guess I’ll just keep reading the Bible, pray and ask the Holy Spirit for assistance in the hard parts.
After saying all this I must also say that I do see a need for the variety of Denominations. God made a beautiful big world and we’ve slowly filled it with bunches of people. Not everybody sees, hears or reads things the same way. (refer to the Tower of Babel story, it’s near the front of the book) So such variety needs variety. Not everyone will receive Jesus the way I did, and without getting into it, they should really thank God for that bit “O”mercy. The apostle Paul wrote the Corinthians on the matter in 1Cor 3:4-9.  For one says “I am of Paul” and another “I am of Apollos,” are you not carnal? (5)Who then is Paul and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one. ……..(9)For WE are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building.  See that “WE”? It’s all inclusive.  Not just followers of Paul or just the followers of Apollos, but WE.  Also in Romans 12: 4 - 6, For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function,  so we being many are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Having  then gifts differing according to the grace given to us, let us use them;…. So let’s celebrate variety and diversity of thought but not forget the central binding theme. Jesus and His sacrifice.

The denominations had best get over themselves and come together as one real soon ‘cause the “red letters” say this rodeo is going to get real rough real soon with bigger bulls, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically trying to “stomp” on you.  It’ll be nice to know just who has your back, who’s standing along side you and just which clown is going to step in front of the bull for you or take the barrel for himself.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I Am- X3

I was out on the deck at 6:00 am having coffee the other morning. At that time there's not enough light to read so I indulge in "meaningful" conversation with God. Meaningful translates to me telling Him what He already knows and telling Him what I think He should be doing personally, locally and around the world. I do eventually come to my senses and begin to thank Him for His blessings past, present, and future as well as just thanking Him for being Him.
 I enjoy watching my yard change shapes and colors as the sun comes up and can't help but praise and thank God for that blessing too. By the time I reach the bottom of the first cup, it's light enough to read so I get the second cup and pull out my devotional and bible. After reading the "dailies" and spending a little time in Romans, I pull out a list of "confessions" or as I like to call them, the "I Ams". This is a list of personality and character traits and basic truths that we as Christians are or at least should be realizing we are in Christ. The list comes with scripture references to help "see if these things are true".
I'm about half way down the list with I am blessed, I am set free, I am strong in the Lord, I am, I am, I am....and it is then the Spirit speaks to me and leads me to Exodus 20:7 the third of the ten commandments, "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain....." I have to ask just what he's talking about because I'm not "god damnin'" anybody or anything and even with more texting lately, I'm not "OMGin'" if I can help it. So why is the Spirit throwing a "thou shalt not" at me? As an answer He takes me to Exodus 3: 13&14
 13 Then Moses said to God, “Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is His name?’ what shall I say to them?” 14 And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ”
Moses realizes that God's people can be a stubborn, questioning bunch so "the God of your fathers" might not be enough to get them moving. He asks what is God's name and the answer is "I Am". Strongs definition of Jehovah is #s 1961/1933 " to be, to become, to exsist, self-exsistent, to have, to happen, or I Am. So when the bible, the Word of God, inspired by God/ Holy Spirit, calls God; Jehovah Jireh(provision/provider) God is saying" I am provision, I will provide".When it reads Jehovah Rapha (health, healing, healer) God is saying," I am health and healing," or Jehovah Shalom(peace), "I am Peace" and the definition of Shalom is "nothing missing, nothing broken".
Now here's the head slap. If we, you and I, say "I am so poor I can't even pay attention,or I am so sick, I'll never get well, or I am worried about this or that...", are we not taking the name of Jehovah, I Am, in vain?
 A nugget to chew on.  Strong's definition of vain;1891 be worthless, 3576 to lie, deceive, 5014 to be hollow; be foolish, 7386 empty, 8267 untruth; sham, 1500 without reason or effect, 2756 useless, 2757 fruitless discussion, 2761  to no purpose, 3150 meaningless talk, 3152 profitless, futile, and many more.
I have to ask, "How can I or how dare I compare my "I Am" to God's "I Am"? And the Spirit takes me to Genesis 1:26; Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion.....We are made in God's image and likeness. His words can(and should be) our words and our words should be His words.
Alrighty then. If we, you and me, are to say "I am so poor,or I am so sick, or I am worried about this or that., we are, by definition, taking His name, Jehovah/Yaweh/ I Am, in vain. Aren't we? We are saying that our "I Am's" are greater than God Jehovah's name, and His "I Am" is a sham, empty, useless, meaningless talk etc., etc.,etc. It might make you want to think about what you say and how you say it.
When Jesus' disciples ask Him to teach them to pray  He said in Luke 11:2  “When you pray, say: 
Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name......." Hallowed means; holy and honored,  4720 sanctuary of deity, 6942 to be, make clean, 6944 sacred place or thing, 37 to purify or consecrate.
His name, Jehovah,/Yaweh /I Am, is Holy, to be honored. pure, and sacred. To contradict what He says with our own "I Am" is attempting to take away from Him and that just cannot and should not be.

It's funny, there are hundreds if not thousands of self-help books in the world from hundreds of authors and the majority of them if not all, tells us if we change our words we can change our lives. If we change the way we think, speak and ultimately act, we will change our lives. If we were to "do a 180" and go from negative to positive in thought word and deed, our lives can't do anything but improve. And that is the "secular" world speaking for the most part. Some of the "self-help" authors do have Christian/religious backgrounds but the presentation is secular.
The bible has been telling us these things for several thousands of years, long before the term "self-help" was first used. But if we were to do as it says and agree with God and His words, think as He thinks, and speak as He speaks, to the world, we will be religious fanatics or we're blasphemous heretics to the religions that are happy with their small slice of their biblical pie.

I had heard a teaching once from a man from Africa. The one thing I came away with from his message was. "There are the facts and there is the truth" The fact is that you may not have enough money right now to pay your bills, but the truth is that "your needs are met according to His riches in Glory". The fact may be that you have a temperature of 103 with a hacking cough, but the truth is,"by His stripes, you were healed". The facts may be that you are depressed, angry and confused, but the truth is, "the peace of God which passes all understanding keeps and preserves your heart and mind." and "you have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts feelings and purposes of His heart."
All this because; God's name is I Am Provision, I Am Health and Healing, and I Am Peace. and so much more.
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God in Vain.

My proof reader/wife says she likes and agrees with what I  just wrote. She really had only one correction and that had to be a first. The question she had for me was, "What are you going to do with it?". Well I'm going to post it for all to read or anybody that wanders by the blog to read. She says "No, how are you going to apply it to your life?" "God gave it to you." I hate it when she does that! Sometimes the greatest distance anything can travel is from the head to the heart, about 12+ inches. Practical application is difficult but not impossible. I am trying and will continue to try to make this a part of my life.I know I can do it just as can you because the truth of word of God says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" and "The greater one lives in me, and greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world." Beside that my God, Jehovah(I Am)-Nissi, my victory and my banner, says I can.
Jehova-Nissi; God gives us victory against the flesh, the world, and the devil.Our battles are His battles of light against darkness and good against evil
Ex. 17:15-16, Deut. 20:3-4, Isa. 11:10-12, Eph. 6:10-18

As a side note, post script and/or addendum; The X3 in the title is for the fact that I had totally lost the first two attempts to get this down. Ordinarily after two attempts I would have been aggravated, irritated and some other "ated" words and would have quit. This wouldn't get out of my head, so X3 it is!
