Sunday, March 8, 2015

Going through it
 I was, not too long ago, sitting, thinking, contemplating, and meditating, in other words, doing nothing. So as I sat doing nothing, I started counting my blessings and unfortunately not so blessed events in my life.  As is the “nature of man” the negatives in my mind started to outnumber or “outshine” the positives. I, in time, found myself diddling my toes in the pity pool. Over the years I’ve found the natural progression of self-pity is; 1) cooling the feet and toes in the kiddies wading pity pool. When that gets comfortable 2) we go knee deep, then 3) waist deep and if not checked in time, we 4) dive in head first into the pity pond. The thing about the pity pond is the water is stagnant.  More fresh water comes in but the only exit is through evaporation and dissipation into the atmosphere doing no more good other than slowing the “global warming” process. (I joke) Don’t get me wrong, there is life in stagnant pools but the longer you tread water in a stagnant pool the more you realize that the life surrounding you is slimy moss and bottom feeding creatures basically nibbling on your toes waiting for you to sink. The pond will eventually overgrow with vegetation cutting off the sun ending the process of photosynthesis, a process of life to the life below. Wasn’t that just a happy cheery thought?
So, there I was, diddling my toes knowing if I diddled too long the process would just take over. Not wanting to go there, I started to pray. My private prayers are rarely eloquent orations as I was always taught that prayer is just conversation with my Abba Father. They are more than the conversations I have with my dad which are basically long periods of silence occasionally broken by belching and/or flatulence. I speak in tongues to Abba and speak in abdomen to my dad. What the heck, we understand each other. So I’m praying to Abba Father, basically a heartfelt cry for help and a relatively lengthy period of peace so as to gain a little rest and relaxation in order to recover and regroup. I’m well aware and firmly believe that true peace comes at the end of the story which is actually the beginning of a new and better story. So, I’m praying for peace, which by the way could be as dangerous as praying for patience, and then the phone rings.
It’s my other mother, a mentor, a sister and friend calling for my wife who is not at home at the time. Hmm, interestingly convenient!  Well, she makes the mistake of asking “how’s things goin’?”, so I unload. She’s used to me so the “unloading” doesn’t seem to phase her.  When I stop to take a breath, ready for round two, she speaks and an actual conversation starts.  We swap “war stories” with tales of woe and testimonies of victory.  I know what battles she’s been fighting as we are sharing similar battles in different geographical locales. The gist of the conversation was that, right now, we’re all “going through it” in one way or another, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, or socially. Some in one or two areas, some all of the above, but regardless, we’re all going through it. Family, friends, brothers, sisters, relations and unrelated, we are all going through it. The magic phrase was “it’s all in how we deal with it as we’re going  through it”  We part ways after about 15~20 mins. and it’s then I noticed I had pulled my feet out of the pity pool. Sweet! Thanks A.A.W.

Later that day, I’m mulling over all the information gleaned from the “conveniently timed call to my wife” and I started getting several scriptures and scriptural thoughts related to the situation. We’re all going through it. How many times in life do we say “nobody knows what I’m going through” or” I’m all alone in this thing.” Does this feed a deep seated human need to stand out or be unique? Just asking.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 says,” What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun”. (NIV)That verse and the whole book of Ecclesiastes  is attributed to King Solomon and it is definitely filled with juicy nuggets pertaining to life. But the point is, just when you think you’re  the Lone Ranger and nobody knows what you’re going through or how you’re feeling, just remember, several thousand years ago someone was smart enough to realize, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun”. It has happened, it is happening, and it’s going to happen again, to somebody somewhere. You are not alone.
1Corinthians 10:13a, says “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind”. (NIV) We may not know the particulars of your situation but the names aren’t important, what’s important is the situation is similar or the same. You are not alone in this. Someone somewhere has gone through the very thing that’s running through your mind and emotions in golf shoes.  For those times when it seems all so overwhelming, you’re not going to make it, “I can’t take it anymore”, the (b) part of 10:13 is,“ And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, H e will also provide a way out so that you can endure It”. You’re saying, nice verse but I’m not being  tempted, I’m going through it. Well yes, yes you are being tempted. You’re being tempted with anger, hatred, fear, depression, feelings of inadequacy and low self esteem and many many more. You may be tempted with giving up or giving in to any number of tormenting emotions that will do little to help you but aid to drag you to the bottom of the pity pond, where the bottom feeders dwell. The term “going though it” reminded me of one of the more famous chapters in the bible, the 23rd Psalm. The whole psalm can be a great comfort but verse 4 in particular comes to mind. “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me”.  First off the “yea” is not “yippee”! I suppose it can and could mean yippee if you realize what going through the aforementioned valley will gain for you on the other side of said valley. The implication here is that, you will at sometime, somewhere go through the valley. The writer of this psalm was another king, David, in fact he was the father of the previously mentioned king Solomon. I suggest you read about the life and times of King David to find out what “going through it” really means.  As he went through the valley he knew God was with him so he feared no evil. Know this God is with you, fear no evil. There is a country song that says, “ When you’re going through hell, keep on going.” And a Christian cliché says “if you’re going through the valley of the shadow… don’t set up camp” Point being, “going through…” implies a non-permanent residential status.

Several years ago I was listening to a guest speaker at church and went forward when he had an altar call. It’s too long ago to remember the particulars but the basic “word” he had for me was “don’t worry, you’re still under construction”. I remember it being a great comfort at the time but many years later does it still apply? I mean, has construction stopped? It must have stopped, I’m getting pretty beat up over here. The Spirit started talking again, this time about construction.  I have been in construction in one form or another for over twenty years. What have I learned and how does it apply?  This could take a while, I’ll keep it short. 
As the Spirit showed me, the physical process of constructing a building starts with preparing the ground which involves digging, scraping chopping and cutting in order to make the land level and graded for drainage and most importantly, pouring a solid foundation.  Digging, scraping etc. can be considered, under close observation, acts of violence. To build buildings there is pounding, cutting, welding and so on and so forth. Each individual act is a serious violent act. Stay with me here, it’s not as strange as it sounds. All these acts of violence are orchestrated by a project manager. The project manager knows when to do what, who he wants to do it and how long it will take. All goes smoothly and quickly if outside influences are kept to a minimum ie. labor disputes, getting proper permits etc. How does a project manager know how to do what he does? He reads the plans/prints and knows how to apply them to the job at hand.  
So as I’m thinking on this and the word over me, ”you’re still under construction”, it comes to me. In life, we’re all under construction. There will be pounding, burning, digging, cutting, metaphorically speaking in our lives.  Who is your project manager? Who drew up your plans.  Ready for this?
God drew up your plans, Jesus is the “scale model “of how we’re supposed to end up, the Spirit is the project manager, and yes the bible is the “blue print”.(no blue prints anymore, now blueline)
We’re all under construction, we’re all going through it. In life there will be pounding, cutting and unbearable heat. Remember Ecclesiastes 1:9: You are not alone in this, someone else has gone through it and is going through it. 1Corinthians 10:13, You can get through this, there’s always a way out. Psalm23:4 God is with you in the valley. (yea!)
That being said, what can we do, oh what can we do? Glad you asked.  Let the construction begin!  James 1:2-6( I believe one of the more difficult verses to apply to life) “…Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work , that you mat be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith without  doubting…” 2Peter 1:5-8  “For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge, and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ”.  
Let’s face it, after about age 25, physically speaking, it’s all downhill from here.  You can slow it down and delay it but it is inevitable, the body will return to the earth. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. It may take 120 years but that’s the future for the physical body. It is the inner man, the spirit man that is eternal. It is the spirit man that is constantly under construction, constantly building. The physical man is under a maintenance contract. Diet and exercise, two accursed words, but true. You need to focus on both spirit and body but if you focus on spirit first, oddly enough, the body seems to fall in line. Build the spirit man up, you’re going to hang with him a whole lot longer than the physical man.
Back to my prayer for peace. Its been said that, like patience, you never want to pray for peace because you'll be thrown into situations that require the one thing you feel you need the most. As an example, if you pray for patience or peace, you get children. You get my meaning.
You have  "building project"or some emotional/mental need. First you have to remember that Jesus is the "Chief cornerstone" or foundation of the project.Ephesians 2:20 Continue to lay the foundation with. John 14:27 "Peace I leave you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." That would be the "cornerstone" talking. Then you go to Philipians 4:6-7. "Do not be anxious about anything. but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." And it's just that simple. Yeah, right! It does take time, it does take consistent work, but it does work. I especially like "the peace of God which transcends ALL understanding" This means when you're up to your A_ _ in alligators, you count it all joy(James 1:2) and continue to empty your personal swamp. All those around you will think you're crazy when you 're not being bothered by the bottom feeding reptiles and go on about your business and life, while they're uselessly beating the alligator with sticks. As I said earlier, Jesus is our "model" and He was well aware of what lay ahead for Him and yet He always appeared to be at peace. Mark 4:37-40 A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern of the boat sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke Him and said to Him,"Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quite, be still!" Then the wind died down.He said to his disciples,"why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" Smackdown! His peace transcended all understanding, he was asleep during a storm that had others in fear for their lives. We  have that peace available to us John 14:27 we can have that peace during the storms of our lives, during the construction projects while we're getting hammered, cut up, chopped,sliced and diced. How? Psalm23:4 It is His intention for us to go through... It is our job to remember this and practice it daily.
So the moral of the story is talk to the project manager, pray to God  and the Spirit, in the Spirit in Jesus name.  Read the prints/plans for yourself, read your bible. It’s more than a nice book to have on your coffee table. The length of time it takes to complete the project depends on how closely you follow the plan and listen to the project manager. Don't forget, even after you think the project is done, there will always be maintenance and upgrades.
We are all a work of art. There is an Eifel tower,  Taj Majal, Great Wall or Pyramid in each of us.

Finally Philippians 1:6, “Be confident of this very thing, that he who started a good work in you will perform it until the Day of Jesus”

He started it, He’ll finish it and He ain’t done with you yet!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Off to see the Wizard

Off to see the Wizard
So there I was, waking up at 3 in the morning to do what I’m told the majority of men my age do at 3 in the morning, whether we want to or not. This has been going on for a few years so I’m relatively used to it, the concern I have is when the “cares of the world” jump me when I’m trying to return to the land of Nod. At these times, usually after a few minutes of wallowing in the muck and mire of the “cares”, I will turn to prayer. I thank the Lord for what I have, what He’s given me, what He’s not given me and the disasters He has helped me avoid. After about 5 to 10 minutes of this, I’ll generally get back to sleep.
On this particular night, after the going through the process, I asked the Spirit of  wisdom, knowledge and understanding  how to deal with the particular “cares of the world” that were attacking this time. Much to my surprise, the Wizard of Oz came up strong in my spirit. Yeah that Wizard of Oz. Now I know that there are people much more spiritually knowledgeable and have a closer walk with the Lord than I, but I have been in this ”game” for quite some time and the one thing that still irritates me after all these years is why the Lord just won’t speak plain English to me, why is it always a guessing game? I am, I suppose, in good company when I know that Jesus spoke to His chosen people in parables. Some might say riddles. Jesus would explain to the 12 disciples if they asked during their down time. I believe He spoke in parables in order to force the people to “noodle it through” to get understanding on what He said. Anything worth having is worth working for.
So, the Wizard of Oz it is. As I put a think on it and ask the Spirit to PLEASE  ‘splain how this pertains to the subject at hand. What do I get? I get the Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion.  Okay, He’s going to make me work for it.
 I’ve never read the L. Frank Baum 1900 novel but the movie has been around since 1939 and has generally played on TV twice a year as long as I’ve been alive. Point being, I know the story. There are six major characters in the story. They are, Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin man, the Lion, the wizard, and the witch. Although Dorothy was the main character, her three partners in the adventure, I believe, were to be my focus.
The first character Dorothy came upon was the Scarecrow, then the Tin Man then the Lion. So taken in order, the Scarecrow was an individual stuck in a corn field and was fairly ineffective at scaring crows. His complaint was, ”if I only had a brain”.  Next, she came to the Tin man, who was frozen in the woods due to a lack of lubrication. Being stiff and hard on the outside and hollow on the inside, his complaint was, “if I only had a heart.” Finally the Lion found in the jungle attempting to scare the adventurers only to “back down” when a little girl stood up to him. His cry was, “If I only had courage.”   
As I looked back over the movie, each one of these characters exhibited the characteristic they thought they were missing and so badly wanted. Not only that but each one exhibited the characteristics that their fellow travelers so badly wanted. Each one showed big buckets of compassion for their new friend Dorothy. You just gotta have heart, when dealing with the “flying monkeys” of this world or else you’ll just  give up when facing  adversity. Knowing and seeing a need and taking care of said need regardless of recognition or reciprocity, just because it needs to be done, is a definition of “heart”.
To a child, at the time, Margret Hamilton, the wicked witch of the west, had to be one of the scariest characters in film.  Seriously, she was right up there with Kong, only less hairy and in color, all green with a huge beezer complete with wart. As a figure in the movie she was the most feared  person in the Technicolor world and was the template for movie witches for years. If you noticed, the all knowing all seeing, all powerful Wizard of Oz never tried to take her out and I don’t mean to dinner. She had to be one bad….. rhymes with itch. And yet the scarecrow, tin man and lion endeavored to confront her for the sake of their friend Dorothy. They were, all three scared. That was obvious but they went anyway. They were again displaying “Heart” not only that, but also courage. I’ve heard it said that courage is the absence of fear. I prefer the saying that courage is “doing it afraid”. Depending on the circumstances, no one will not be afraid to a certain extent from time to time, It’s what do you do at that time, flight or fight that makes the difference. And finally, the logistics of the “siege” on the witch’s domain took wisdom and knowledge. In other words Brains.
All these things made for an exciting childhood movie that has stood the test of time. Who knew there was a lesson to be learned several decades later?
When our intrepid adventurers returned to the Emerald city and the Wizard with the prize of the witch’s broom, the city rejoiced and partied. I personally believe the wizard didn’t expect them to return and now he had to “pay up” on his end of the deal.
They all, through their actions, showed to the world that they already had the things they wanted most in life, brains, heart, and courage. What was missing, why did they not see that they already had what they wanted the most?  The wizard, in his wisdom, met each character at their need.
To the scarecrow, that so much wanted brains, the wizard declared that the thing that the most intelligent people had others didn’t, was a diploma. Basically, he gave an outward symbol of an inward condition. To the Tin Man he gave a testimonial or someone expressing what his actions have already stated. The Tin Man had empathy, sympathy and compassion long before the wizard giving him a testimonial and a heart shaped clock. But again, he gave an outward symbol of an inward condition. To the Lion, the wizard gave a medal. The Lion had proven his courage by “doing it afraid” He was obviously afraid to go to the witch’s castle but did it anyway with his friends for a friend, exhibiting great courage.
Whatever we desire, intelligently, emotionally, or spiritually, is already in us. It’s there. It may be hidden or disguised, it may even buried deep down under years shame, confusion, bad teaching or battered and beaten by the world or whatever but it’s in there.
 Genesis 1:27 says “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female. Created in Gods image? I’m pretty certain He’s no dummy. First and most obvious, He’s the creator of the universe, duh, and if there was an instruction manual needed for that, He would have been the one to write it. Secondly, Exodus 31:3,4 says, “ …and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, to devise cunning works….”. This was given by God to a gentleman named Bezaleel who’s name translates as “protected one or under the covering, in the shade of”.  If we’ve accepted Christ then we’re protected ones, under the blood.  1 Corinthians 2:16 “… But we have the mind of Christ.” So we got the brains.
John 3:16 says that “for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son….”. The God kind of heart, self sacrifice. John 15:13, Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Giving of yourself to others. Empathy, sympathy and compassion, you gotta have heart.
As for courage, I refer to Joshua 1: 6, 7, & 9. “Be strong and of good courage…”, “only be thou strong and very courageous…” and “Have I not commanded thee? Be thou strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed…” God won’t ask it from you if He hasn’t first given it to you. At the birth of Christ, Luke 2:10, “And the angel said unto them, Fear not:…” Later in John 16:33, “… in this world you will have trouble. But take heart!(have courage) I have overcome the world”
We were/are made in the image and likeness of our creator. Science will argue over the physical aspects of that comment but I’m speaking spiritually. While we did take a major detour after the “fall” we do have the ability to get back on track by accepting the ransom sacrifice of Jesus. With the covering of Christ, we once again are in the image and likeness of our heavenly Father. (that has never actually changed)We are His kids. As such we have what we need to do what He wants. How can I say that? Luke 11:11, says so. “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a serpent instead.” “Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?””If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask?” And if, just if you don’t believe you have “it” in you, just ask for it. Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” “For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
The Scarecrow Tin Man and Lion had all that they needed all along, always had. They just needed someone to point it out to them, an external sign of an internal condition. That’s where the wizard came in. A diploma is not necessarily a sign of intelligence, just as a testimony and medal aren’t signs of having a heart or courage.
In this day and age, common sense does not seem to be all that common.  A “higher education”, while a good thing to have, if it is not accompanied by the common sense needed to apply it to life, you’re still a Barista or burger boy. Don’t get me wrong, I believe all honest work is honorable, but after 4 to 6 years of advance schooling, you can do better. I had a friend that never ceased to amaze me with his knowledge of just about everything mechanical, electrical etc. Without formal education, at the time, he was able to see a problem, analyze it and fix it with just general knowledge in a lot of different areas. He was able to apply the knowledge he had to whatever situation he was facing. That is “Brains” and it was/is in him.
Back in 1973, I met a young man, brand new in the Navy, like myself, waiting for his first duty station or transportation out to it. We were on Crete for several days with little to do other than indulge in the local indulgences and all that that entails. After going to our respective ships, we cruised into a rather nasty storm resulting in very high seas that caused the ships to roll so badly that there were footprints on the bulkhead. It was nerve racking to say the least. There was an incident on my friend’s ship which resulted in a man being washed overboard. “It was a dark and stormy day” and because of the very high seas, the ship couldn’t get a boat in the water to rescue the man whose condition was bad and getting worse. My new found friend, as the story goes, saw the difficulty in getting the boat in the water, saw his shipmate unconscious and quickly floating away. So with no regard for conditions or his own safety, he grabbed a lifejacket and dove in. He saved the man’s life. Meeting back in port, I asked about the incident and although I don’t remember his exact words (forgive me it was 1973) his response was something like, “someone needed to do something”. Courage was in him, I have no doubt. To quote Bruce Willis in Live free or Die Hard, “That’s what makes you that guy.” Courage is doing what needs to be done, whatever that may be, regardless.
As for Heart, I need go no further than looking to my wife. Talk about heart. As a really small example of her large heart, while driving the local freeways, if we see police or firemen or EMTs screaming down the road at a high rate of speed, lights blinking and sirens howling, my first response is, “great, this will screw up traffic!” My wife takes a much different attitude and starts to pray for the “first responders” and the situation in general. While watching news reports of tragedies, man made or natural, her exhibition of compassion, empathy and sympathy for those suffering is enormous. Hopefully I will eventually glean a small portion of that heartfelt compassion for people from her.
So, if these characteristics are already in us, why do so few of us use them? I don’t know, do I look like Dr. Freud?! I’m writing this as a means to think and meditate on that very question. According to scripture, the children of Israel, prior to entering the “promised land” sent 12 spies into the land to see what they were going up against. Numbers 13:33 tells of what 10 out of 12 felt about what they found there.  (33)” There we saw the giants (the descendents of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.” Only two men, Joshua and Caleb, knew who they were and who their life support system was. Ten others were scared because of what they saw and they saw themselves as less than what they were. They all just finished time in the wilderness and this after 400 years of slavery in Egypt, surviving rather well, and still the challenges they faced were supposedly more difficult than the life they just endured? So the results were another 40 years in the wilderness. Maybe they liked the desert, I just don’t know. It’s easy to say a few thousand years after the fact but I would expect that experiencing the miracles of God in the wilderness would be enough inspiration to charge on into and take over the Promised land for our own. Wow, attitude and perspective.
The long overdue moral of the story is; in a very generalized sense, the old testament is a history book. It gives us God’s original intent for our lives, which was a personal relationship with Him.(Genesis) Okay that got screwed up, so the rest of the Old Testament was a history of God trying to get our attention so we’d want to and try to restore that relationship with Him. That didn’t go so well so the Old Testament prophets told us of the “coming one” that would restore right relationship with God. The gospels are the story of that Man and His desire for a relationship with Him. The books & letters of the New Testament express the, who, what, when, where, how and why of a relationship with Jesus and the return to the original intent of relationship with God. That being realizing we were/are made in the likeness and image of God with all that that entails.
Does God need to consult the manual? Nope.  “We have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts feelings and purposes of His Heart.” 1 Corinthians 2:16 amplified
Did God or Jesus balk at doing the hard or the scary thing? Don’t think so.  “For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” 2Timothy 1:7
Does God lack compassion or love for His children? Absolutely not!  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life”. John 3:16  Do we love like that? Well do we?  “Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for another”. John 15:13
Being human (a sorry excuse but the only one I can come up with) we are easily deceived by the enemy. We are always quick to believe the worst in ourselves and others. John 10:10a, “The thief comes only to steal kill and destroy”. We need to remember the second half of that verse which is, “…but I come that they may have life and have it more abundantly.”
So, going back to the Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion.  I can at this point in time only assume that they were not only listening to but also believing the voices they were hearing. Voices saying; “I’m stupid and ignorant. I have no heart and I’m hard on the outside and hollow on the inside, or I’m just a coward and will never compare to others”. From personal experience I know those voices are very difficult to overcome, difficult but not impossible.(I’m still working on them) What the wizard gave them, once again, was the outward proof of what was and had always been on the inside.  Revelation 21:11 says “And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony…” In other words we can overcome the enemy, the great deceiver, the father of lies, when he comes to steal, kill and destroy us with his lies about us, by accepting the blood of Jesus and by testifying of the things God has done and is doing in our lives.
Sometimes we need to see the external evidence ourselves of what everyone else sees in us for us to see what we have internally that everyone else sees. You see? The word of God says it’s in us, we need to believe it is in order to see it ourselves. For some knot heads, myself included, “Seeing IS believing” while for some blessed others, “Believing IS seeing.” Life is an on-going project, the more you believe, the more you see and the more you see the more you believe.
Next; the spiritual implications of the 1981 classic movie Caveman with Ringo Starr and Shelley Long.